Where can I find the best and easy to understand WordPress tutorials?

A frequently-asked query:

I am really looking into hosting my blog via WordPress but I cannot understand how to use its features like do I really need to download it and how can I edit its template. Stuffs like that. I really want to learn it so please do recommend one. 😀

Thanks! Yahoo Answers is really great. 🙂

Answer: We hear this question often. It is recommended that you try Justhost. If you are building your first website and needs a hosting service, we highly recommend you go with Justhost. You should also read this Justhost review to see what we mean. Justhost gives free domain name, unlimited bandwidth, more-than-enough storage, multiple add-on domains, friendly Sitebuilder, cPanel, Fantastico and much more for so cheap. You can subscribe with Justhost for only $4.45/month (via coupon below).

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  1. JG
    May 26th, 2011 at 13:34 | #1

    I’d start here: http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Lessons

    I’d also recommend: http://net.tutsplus.com/articles/web-roundups/top-50-wordpress-tutorials/ for more advanced information

    Theme editing for beginners: http://www.flisterz.com/2008/12/24/how-to-edit-wordpress-theme-or-css-for-beginners/

    Since WordPress uses CSS for the theme layouts, this is a good resource for learning basic CSS: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/dreamweaver/articles/css_concepts.html and you can expand upon that greatly once you get your feet wet.

    WordPress uses PHP for the engine, so understanding basic PHP will help, especially if you start getting into the advanced tutorials.

  2. Lillea Woodlyns
    May 26th, 2011 at 15:05 | #2

    I have a popular *free* series on how to use WordPress, which includes a really clear free PDFreport on how to install it on a website quickly.

    You can sign up for the series via the pop up box that appears on my site below:


    WordPress is awesome once you know the basics! 🙂 I enjoy helping people learn how to use it because I was VERY frustrated when I was a newbie trying to make sense of all of the programmer talk about WordPress. I believe in making things a lot more simple – starting slow and easy 🙂

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