If I have an Internet connection can I start a Web HOsting and Web developing business ?

Question: What I really need to do that ?

Answer: Based on your business hosting question, here is our suggestion. If you are looking for a business hosting or even the best domain host, your best option is to go with Hostgator. Well, they are not totally free – you have to pay $0.01 (by entering the coupon code below at checkout). This coupon code is usable for any shared hosting and even the $24.95 Aluminum reseller hosting. We suggest you do not waste your time with any other unreliable business hosting.

If you are not only looking for a business hosting, but also a good cheap hosting, we suggest you try MyHosting. It is hard to find any negative MyHosting review so we believe they are the best because they give unlimited bandwidth, unlimited storage, unlimited addon domains, Site builder and much more for such a low monthly price. You can get MyHosting for only $4.84/month.

Do you have more suggestion? Do you disagree with us? Please leave your comment in the box below.

  1. Peter_AZ
    Feb 23rd, 2011 at 14:16 | #1

    To do web hosting as a business you need a high-speed connection (generally a T1), a computer with a big hard disk (or more likely a bunch of such machines) running webserver software (Apache on Linux or IIS on Windows), a reliable backup system, and enough knowhow to do support, to keep things running, and to help your customers.

    Web developing is much simpler — you need web design, development, graphic design, and programming knowhow, but you can do the work on a plain old home machine with a DSL (or even dial-up) connection. You go to a hosting service (there are thousands of them) for the actual web space.

    Many hosting companies do web development on the side, but most web designers don’t do hosting.

  2. googledwithonekick
    Feb 23rd, 2011 at 14:16 | #2

    Time, Intelligence, Awareness of the competition, Money, Good hardware, Good software, Good connection speeds, Knowledge of HTML / CSS / ASP / PHP / Javascript would be helpful, an understanding of DNS and Apache or IIS would be a must, plus a whole list of other things.

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