best wordpress host?


Answer: Based on your question, why not try iPage.

The best wordpress hosting

If you are building your first website and needs a hosting package, we highly recommend you go with iPage. Do not forget to do a search for iPage review to see what we mean. iPage gives free domain name, no limit on bandwidth, more-than-enough diskspace, unlimited add-on domains, friendly Sitebuilder and much more for such a low price. You can subscribe with iPage for only $4.25/month (using the link below).

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Click the link below to save 50% off the normal price

Why not leave your comment in the box below.

  1. John
    May 10th, 2011 at 23:35 | #1

    I recommend one of these:

    iPage has the best offer right now.
    Their standard price is $84/year ($6.95) but they have
    a 50% sale, one year of hosting for $42.00.

    Their plan includes:

    Unlimited disk space
    Unlimited bandwidth
    Free domain name

    Price: $42/year ($3.50)

    They have one of the most popular hosting platforms, which currently hosts over a million websites. They’re also one of the oldest hosting companies, founded in 1998.

    They include an easy, one click install of WordPress from their control panel, so you can just choose a theme that you like, and start adding content.

  2. Colanth
    May 11th, 2011 at 00:47 | #2

    "Best host" has nothing to do with WordPress. All you need is access to a MySQL database and PHP – and any paid host will give you that on a Linux server.

    Base your choice on speed, up-time, tech support, reputation, price, etc. (I’m not trying to sell you anything, but I’ve been using GoDaddy for years and I never found a reason to switch. And, yes, I run WordPress.)

  3. Thereminator
    May 11th, 2011 at 00:20 | #3

    If you’re just starting out, I recommend hostgator.
    Big blogs should use sliqua.

  4. David M
    May 11th, 2011 at 00:11 | #4

    Take a look at:
    There you can reach the three reputable companies that are leaders in the blog/wordpress website hosting industry.

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