What is most important web hosting feature to consider if I want to setup a WordPress blog?

Question: Which of these features are most important when considering a web hosting to host a WordPress blog? Bandwidth, diskspace, database (mySQL), subdomain and email accounts.

You don’t usually need that much of bandwidth, diskspace when you setup a WordPress blog. You only need one mySQL database, subdomain and most hosts allow more than enough email accounts. Most basic hosting will give you more than enough of the features above.

Morever, most hosting providers also offer very-high to “unlimited” diskspace. So it is not a matter of choosing host based on bandwidth, space, database, domain or email accounts. Most importantly, you need to find a reliable one so you will have your blog running all the time. If you are having problem choosing a web hosting to use, we suggest you do the following:

1. Go to the webhost review sites such as webhostingjury, hostingtopic.com or webhostinggeeks and list down about 3 common top hosting companies.

2. Next, for each web hosting X, do a “X sucks” search on Google. Read some complaints and see if you may encounter the same problems like them. Some of the complaints may relate to certain groups of users only such as VPS, dedicated server users or resellers. So you may not be affected if you are not from these categories.

3. Eliminate those hostings you feel uncomfortable with, and look for the best bargain hosting for your money.

You can start looking at Justhost, Fatcow and Pronethosting. These are some of the best.

Feb 19th, 2009 | Posted in Website Hosting
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